Hey everyone!
Quick sidenote, I've begun actually using my twitter account! I made one a while back but Twitter was dark and scary and I didn't really feel like it. Now I've figured it out and I'm looking to make some more twitter friends!
Come check me out, @Rivuletsbeauty :D
Quick sidenote, I've begun actually using my twitter account! I made one a while back but Twitter was dark and scary and I didn't really feel like it. Now I've figured it out and I'm looking to make some more twitter friends!
Come check me out, @Rivuletsbeauty :D
Over this weekend, I was lucky enough to have the long weekend off and Sunday/Monday with the house to myself. What's more, since it appeared I was having a weekend in, I thought, what a marvelous window of opportunity to give water marbling another college try?
Good thing I had all weekend.
But nonetheless, I persevered and finally came through the other end with... these!
They're definitely more subtle than the other marble I did, which you can check out right here!, but I love the effect.
Alas, yes, this took me forever yet again, but I took my time with it and worked through my issues, with my awesome kitten keeping my company and cheering me on, I came out the other side with pretty fingers (:
-ELF Polish in Nude as base and in the marble
-ELF Polish in Fire Coral
-Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat
-A Million Toothpicks
-50 Miles of Tape
-2+ Grown-Up Drinks (to taste)

The nail polishes this time around tended to blend quite a bit more than the last time, in my opinion due to water temperature. It really is tricky, that factor. I think if I try this again in the future, I'm going to just leave a water bottle out and forget about it for a night, maybe even longer.

That being said, however, I know there's a lot more to learn about this technique. It's not something I plan on killing myself over and doing it once a week until my marbles are impeccable (maybe one day...), but I don't mind giving it another go every now and then.
So there you go! My first peek into spring/summer colours this year! I'm so excited to break out all my pastels and brights this year (: Until then!
Much love,
Dylan ♥♥